Do you get emotional about your Debt?

I’m here to tell you as a local Victoria Debt specialist that it’s ok to get emotional about your debt. You may panic, cry, feel depressed, a sense of loss of control, questioning your life and how you ended up in this position, and be angry. Very angry. That’s ok. It’s natural. Go ahead and feel what you need to.

What isn’t ok is that you stay in that head space for so long that you begin to think to yourself “why bother?”. There is hope. There is solution. I promise you that there is a solution to your debt issues.

I have helped over 250 people in Victoria solve their debt problem. I believe I can help you as well.

There is a ton of information on the internet about what to do about your debt. It can be completely overwhelming when it comes to knowing your options and knowing who is on your side.

When you’re living with a lot of personal credit card debt, lines of credit, taxes owing to CRA, student loans and all the other forms of personal debt you can get overwhelmed with information; some of it well meaning, some of it not.

Let me share a quick story with you. I recently met with Ian who had over $38,000 worth of personal debt. He was getting constant advice from family members, friends, and many others until he and I had a chance meeting. I explained all of his options and shared with him how 4 Pillars Victoria is the only company that solely represents him as the debtor. We are like your personal body guard when it comes to your creditors. Ian went from $38,000 of debt to just $7,000 which he is paying over 5 years at a small monthly fee with no interest.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians wade through the murky waters of Debt. Over 97% of our clients successfully complete the programs we create for them and become debt free.

I work for people like Ian and I can help you do something similar in a supportive and compassionate manner.

If you, or someone you know is struggling with debt please feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to help.